5 things you need to know before you start using cloth nappies
Since we started using cloth nappies with Clem, I’ve become a cloth evangelist. Seriously, I’ve told all my mum friends, many non-mum friends and a few random strangers about the amazing benefits of cloth. I can’t believe using reusable nappies isn’t more widespread - it’s better for the environment, better for baby’s bottom, better for your purse. And while there’s a little bit more work, it’s actually very straightforward once you’re in a routine.
When I’m on a cloth-vangelist mission, one of the big questions I get back is “where do I start?”. This is an understandable question, given that the world of cloth nappies can seem big and confusing! So here are my must-have tips for getting started with reusable nappies.
1. Do your research or get advice
Before you start buying, do some research on the different varieties of nappy that are out there and the benefits of each kind. I have a bunch of posts on this. I also love The Nappy Gurus, who have a whole heap of free advice on getting started.
If the information online isn't enough, then you can get in touch with me for more personalised advice. I love to help parents get started with cloth, and would be so happy to help if you're feeling a little stuck! You can contact me via this form or on Instagram.
Finally, there are also plenty of resources on social media - a quick Facebook search for ‘reusable nappies’ or ‘cloth diapers’ will give you a selection of groups where experienced cloth-vangelists like to hang out. In my experience, cloth nappy-ers love to pass on their knowledge, so make the most of the free advice!
2. Try them out
Different nappies will work for different families, so a key step is to try nappies before you commit. There are a few options. Firstly, you could buy a cloth nappy bundle which will give you a few different kinds to try out. The Nappy Gurus have some super options, and you can get 10% off if you use the code ABODERIE. They even have a ‘Test Drive’ scheme, where you can try a nappy or two for 21 days, and return it if you don’t get on with it. Any nappies that don't work for you can be easily sold on via Facebook (I'll talk more about this in a second), or even better, passed on to a friend to try!
Similarly, some areas have a local cloth nappy library where you can hire a kit for a fixed period, and you can find out more about them in this post. Cloth nappy libraries will often come with an advice session too, though you may find that waiting lists are long.
Finally, you could consider buying a range of used nappies to try out. The preloved cloth nappy market is very active, so you shouldn't struggle to re-sell any used nappies that are in decent condition. The best place to find preloved nappies is Facebook - search for groups near you for some options.
What are you looking for when you try your nappies out? It will depend on what is important to you! Fit is a biggie - you might find that one type of nappy just doesn’t work with your little one’s chubby legs. You also might find that drying time is an issue, or that you’d prefer poppers rather than velcro. We were surprised that, having tried a range of different nappies, we preferred something slightly different than what we’d initially thought.
3. Liners are important
Ok, time to talk poo. One big preconception about cloth is that there’s more dealing with poo, and to a certain extent that’s true. However, we have found that we spend significantly less time with poo thanks to finding the right nappy liners. Pre-weaning, poo is water-soluble so can go straight in the washing machine (yes, really!) so you’ll only really need liners if you want to keep little one’s bottom dry.
Post-weaning, poo needs to go down the toilet, and liners become really helpful for dealing with this slightly unsavoury task quickly and effectively.
You can either use disposable liners, such as these, or fleece liners, such as these, or you can simply cut up a piece of fleece fabric into rectangles! I prefer fleece liners because there’s no waste, and they’re cheaper, but it’s worth trying both to see what you prefer.
4. Create a washing routine and stick to it
The thing that will make or break your cloth nappy experience is the washing. Washing is the sacrifice you make for cute fluffy bums, so making it work is key. That’s why it’s super important to create a routine that works for you, and to stick to it. In our house, I have designated days for nappy washes. On those days, the first thing I do when Clem is in bed is to put the nappies in the wash. By connecting the washing routine to the pattern of our week and day, it has become a habit and we never find ourselves without clean nappies.
If you’re unsure how to wash your nappies, check out this post to find out how.
want gleaming white nappies? sunshine is your friend
5. Sunshine is your friend
When I first started out with cloth nappies, I couldn’t understand how it was possible to keep them stain-free. Even when I used a liner, I’d still end up with staining, and I didn’t want to use commercial stain removers as the nappies touch Clem’s bottom. I read somewhere that sunshine could remove stains, but I couldn’t imagine that it would be all that effective. It didn’t seem to me that sunlight would do much! However, when summer came around and I started hanging nappies outside, I saw the results of sunlight on stains and I was blown away. Sunlight is better than just about any commercial stain remover I’ve ever tried, and it’s free! Bonus tip: this works on anything white, so if you want sparkling white bed linen, this is the way to go.
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