Review of Bambino Mio & Tots Bots Easy Fit Cloth Nappies
In my journey towards a slower and mindful lifestyle, cloth nappies have been one of the many things I have come to appreciate. I am often asked what my thoughts are on using cloth nappies, and which brands are the best. There are so many brands available, and in my cloth nappy reviews, I have found something to admire in each of them.
Cloth nappies can be a wonderful addition to your family. In my experience, finding the right brand is key, as some are better suited to heavy wetters, while others may be more appropriate for smaller or younger babies.
Today, I'd love to share my honest experience with two of the most popular brands' flagship nappies: Tots Bots EasyFit Star and Bambino Mio Miosolo. My hope is that this will help you consider whether these nappies might be right for your little one and, if not, I have a few alternatives that may work better.
What are cloth nappies?
For those who might be new here, cloth nappies are just like regular disposable nappies, worn by babies and toddlers each day or night, but the difference is that they are reusable and machine-washable.
Essentially, when your little one has worn the nappy, you remove it, wash it and use it again. This makes cloth nappies a much more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to disposable nappies, which are only used once.
Most reusable nappies will last up to 400 washes, making them a more cost-effective option in the long run. To find out more, take a look at the ultimate cloth nappy guide for beginners or watch this YouTube video all about getting started with cloth nappies.
How do the Tots Bots and Bambino Mio cloth nappies work?
Both Tots Bots EasyFit and Bambino Mio Miosolo are all-in-one nappies, which means all parts are in one piece, with no removable bits. They look a lot like a disposable nappy, so can be a wonderful option if you’re new to cloth nappies.
Both these nappies fasten with velcro, which usually allows for a comfortable and secure fit, though it can be more easily undone by little hands than popper closures.
An opening in the top of each nappy allows for the inner part (known as the tongue) to be easily removed for cleaning. The tongue helps the nappy to dry quicker than it otherwise might.
As birth-to-potty nappies, both products are designed to last the entire span of your child’s time in nappies. To adjust the size, you use poppers lining the front of the nappy which allow you to shorten or lengthen the nappy..
In my experience, despite their name, birth-to-potty nappies don’t fit very small newborns, as most fit babies from 10-14 lbs upwards. So they may not be entirely suitable for your baby if they are very small.
What are the differences between Tots Bots and Bambino Mio nappies?
Although they are similar in appearance and style, there are some subtle differences between Tots Bots EasyFit and Bambino Mio Miosolo nappies, which can make one more suitable for you than the other.
Firstly, Tots Bots EasyFit are a touch more costly than Bambino Mio Miosolo nappies, but the difference in price is usually minimal. Bambino Mio nappies tend to be on sale more frequently though, and I have heard of some people managing to buy them for less than £10 each.
Secondly, Bambino Mio Miosolo are larger than Tots Bots EasyFit. In fact, they are one of the largest birth-to-potty cloth nappies on the market. Bambino Mio say the size range is 12-35lbs, but I’ve found that they fit some toddlers beyond 35lbs. On the other hand, Tots Bots EasyFit might fit some babies from 10lbs but they may be outgrown quicker than the Bambino Mio Miosolo..
The final difference lies in the slight additional absorbency of Tots Bots EasyFit. Bambino Mio Miosolo nappies only contain a polyester microfibre layer within the tongue, which tends not to be very absorbent.
On the other hand, Tots Bots EasyFit have a microfibre core surrounded by a bamboo outer, which makes them a little more absorbent. However, neither nappy is the most absorbent on the market and they are better suited to light wetters than heavy wetters.
Overview of the differences between Tots Bots and Bambino Mio
Positives of Tots Bots EasyFit
Tots Bots EasyFit would be a great nappy to try if you’re a new parent or new to cloth nappies. Since they’re easy to fit and resaonably priced, they make a gentle introduction to the world of cloth nappies (though do bear in mind the drawbacks I mention a little further down!)
Because of their velcro closures, Tots Bots EasyFit are quick and easy to put on. This makes them similar to single-use nappies, so it’s an easy adjustment for new parents, parents who are new to cloth nappies, and hesitant childcare providers.
Because they are one of the smaller birth-to-potty cloth nappies on the market, Tots Bots EasyFit could be a good choice for small babies. Their petite design could fit a baby from 10lbs, which is smaller than some birth-to-potty nappies on the market, and smaller than the Bambino Mio Miosolo.
Tots Bots EasyFit are one of the only cloth nappies made in the UK and therefore have a slightly lower impact on the environment than nappies shipped from abroad. That being said, the materials for these nappies are still sourced outside the UK, so they aren’t completely free of carbon emissions on their journey to you. However, being made in the UK, their production offers jobs to local people and the comfort of knowing production staff experience good labour conditions.
Negatives of Tots Bots EasyFit
Despite their ease of use, there are some disadvantages to Tots Bots EasyFit cloth nappies. It depends on your personal preferences as to whether these are dealbreakers for you. Some parents won’t find these issues a problem at all.
Unlike Bambino Mio Miosolo cloth nappies, Tots Bots EasyFit have rolled elastics around the seams. This means they offer a gentle fit around your child’s legs and appear seamless. However, it also means that if the nappy isn’t sitting correctly it can easily leak, especially if your child is a heavy wetter. For this reason it’s important to ensure the nappy is fitted properly and particularly that all the inner fabric is tucked inside.
Even though Tots Bots EasyFit are slightly more absorbent than Bambino Mio Miosolo cloth nappies, they still aren’t as reliable as many other nappies on the market in terms of their absorbency. Parents of heavy wetters may experience more leaks compared with some other brands, though there is always the option to add boosters to increase the absorbency.
Speaking from experience, velcro fastenings are pretty easy for toddlers to undo, which can cause problems! For this reason popper nappies are usually a safer choice for parents of toddlers. The ease of using velcro can certainly outweigh the downsides, especially if your child doesn’t play with the velcro, but it’s worth mentioning in case it’s something you have trouble with.
Positives of Bambino Mio Miosolo
Like all nappies, Bambino Mio Miosolo have some clear advantages, especially when compared with Tots Bots EasyFit. They are the cheaper alternative and are better suited to larger babies and toddlers.
While cloth nappies have a bigger up-front cost than single-use nappies, they are an investment that will often work out cheaper long-term. Compared to Tots Bots EasyFit, Bambino Mio Miosolo are slightly less expensive to buy, so they can be the better choice if you’re on a budget.
Because of their slightly larger design, Bambino Mio Miosolo could be a good choice if your baby is larger or you have a toddler. They can last your child a long time, possibly even beyond 35lbs.
Just like Tots Bots EasyFit cloth nappies, Bambino Mio Miosolo are super easy to use. They work similarly to disposable nappies, which makes them very easy to get used to, especially if you’re a new parent or are new to the cloth nappy world.
Negatives of Bambino Mio Miosolo
There are a few downsides to Bambino Mio Miosolo and depending on what you need from a nappy, they may not be the best choice for you. They are not very absorbent and, despite being birth-to-potty nappies, I find them too large for newborns or very small babies.
Firstly, Bambino Mio Miosolo is not the most absorbent cloth nappy on the market. Because their tongue only contains a microfibre layer, they aren’t very suitable for heavy wetters. However, as with any cloth nappy, you can boost the absorbency by adding a natural fibre booster yourself, like cotton or bamboo.
Owing to their large design, these birth-to-potty nappies won’t fit babies smaller than approximately 12lbs, so they are ideally used for large babies or toddlers. You can learn more about nappies for tiny babies in my newborn reusable cloth nappy guide or watch my YouTube video on newborn cloth nappies.
Similarly to Tots Bots EasyFit nappies, Bambino Mio Miosolo have a velcro fastening, which means curious toddlers can easily undo them at unwanted times! I wouldn’t suggest this as a reason not to buy these nappies, but it’s something to be aware of if your child loves playing around with their nappy.
Bambino Mio MioSolo
Tots Bots EasyFit
Should I buy Tots Bots EasyFit or Bambino Mio Miosolo?
Speaking from my own experience, both Tots Bots EasyFit and Bambino Mio Miosolo could be good places to start if you’re new to cloth nappies.
Being all-in-one, velcro nappies, they are simple to use and easy to adapt to if you’ve only used disposable nappies previously or if you have childcare.
However, despite their affordability as all-in-one nappies, neither are the most affordable on the market. There are cheaper alternatives that offer different benefits (which I’ll explain below).
Generally speaking, all-in-one nappies tend to be the most expensive kind of cloth nappy. If cost is a consideration then you’re likely to be better off choosing all-in-two, fitted or flat nappies like prefolds and muslins.
Also, you may find that neither of these nappies is absorbent enough to work reliably. If you find you struggle with these nappies, there are better options out there and I’d encourage you not to give up on cloth nappies altogether!
What are the alternatives?
Overall I feel there are other nappies that offer better value for money than either the Tots Bots EasyFit or the Bambino Mio Miosolo. The lack of absorbency in both makes them a little unreliable, and their sizing can cause them to be either too small or too big.
But what are the alternatives? Some of the nappies with the best value for money aren’t all-in-one nappies. If cost is a consideration, it’s worth looking at all-in-two, flat and fitted nappies. However, if you like the idea of all-in-one nappies but didn’t have success with either the Bambino Mio or Tots Bots nappies then here are a few alternatives.
Here are the other cloth nappies I’d recommend you explore:
Close Pop-In:
More reliable
Easy to use
Velcro or popper closures
More affordable
La Petite Ourse All-in-One:
More affordable
More absorbent
Popper closures
Slightly slower drying
Tickle Tots All-in-One:
Easy to use
Velcro closures
Similar absorbency to Tots Bots EasyFit, but slightly cheaper
Smaller than Bambino Mio Miosolo
You might find it helpful to watch my video on some different cloth nappies in my collection and what I love about them to learn more.
If you still feel hesitant about using cloth nappies, watch my YouTube video on the 10 things I wish I knew before starting with cloth nappies to learn more about if it’s right for you.
Some of the nappies featured were gifted for review with no obligation to review positively. This page contains affiliate links, which earn me a little bit of commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. Thank you!