Why I absolutely love the second trimester
And just like that, I’m approaching the end of my second trimester with baby number two. It’s surreal to be this far into pregnancy already, it feels like it’s going very slowly and very fast all at the same time. This trimester brought the joy of finding out that little bean is a girl, and therefore lots of effort from me to not buy every cute dress I see in the shops! All round, as is usually the case, this trimester has been far more bearable than the first, and I’ve been trying to make the most of it before the heavy, slow tiredness of trimester three hits me. Here are five things I’ve been loving. Oh, and before you dive in, you might want to check out my first trimester update too!
1. I’m not as tired
The first trimester was absolutely killer for tiredness. I napped every day with Clem, and often had to plonk him down in front of the telly for a bit just to get through the day. Thankfully that has improved, and while I’m still tired I’m managing to only nap every other day, or sometimes even less.
One thing that helped hugely was getting on top of the anemia I was experiencing. Iron tablets from the doctor didn’t cut it but regularly taking liquid iron, often twice a day, has made a real difference.
2. I’m not as sick
If you read my first trimester update, you’ll know I had pretty rubbish morning sickness. Well, it didn’t go away as soon as I hit week 14 (as everyone assured me it would!) but it had pretty much disappeared by week 20. Before we found out the baby is a girl, I’d read that worse sickness is generally associated with having a girl, so it looks like that is true! Knowing that the sickness might all be because of baby girl made me feel that it was worth going through the hardship. I definitely was hopeful for a girl, and it’s so nice to know that’s happened.
i actually look pregnant!
3. I actually look pregnant
One of the rubbish things about trimester one is the fact that you feel super crappy but seem to have nothing to show for it! Now it’s clear to everyone that I’m pregnant, which means no more keeping secrets and putting on a brave face. I love how quickly my bump is growing now. Every day is a little bit different and when I look back at pictures from just a couple of months ago, it’s amazing to see how much baby girl has grown. In fact, I’ve been a little bit nervous that the rate of growth is slightly too fast and that I’m going to be birthing a monster baby, but I’m assured that everything looks normal!
4. I’m less anxious
It’s a relief to have had a happy 20 week scan and to know that everything is healthy and where it should be. Likewise, it’s great not having to worry as much now the risk of miscarriage is lower, though I know it hasn’t gone completely. Every day that goes by feels a little safer, and at week 28 it feels great to know that little one could survive if she decided to come earthside a bit early.
5. Kicks, kicks and more kicks
Little baby movements are by far my favourite thing about pregnancy. As I sit here writing, I can feel a foot wriggling out and nudging my arm, and it feels a lot like having a little friend with me. I still feel a small wave of relief each time she kicks, knowing that she’s ok in there and still with us.
Wonderfully, Phil has also managed to feel her kicking. I know that’s pretty normal for most dads, but we went through the whole of Clem’s pregnancy without him really feeling any kicks! Clem was very active but also very erratic and seemed to stop every time Phil would put his hand on my tummy. So having that joy this time around has been even more precious.
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